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1971 Chicago Northwestern Railway Field Reporting Manual Roadmaster TG2

1971 Chicago Northwestern Railway Field Reporting Manual Roadmaster TG2

Regular price $27.00 USD
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1971 Chicago Northwestern Railway Field Reporting Manual Roadmaster TG2

Reporting and recording of expenditures is a required part of the Company's accounting system.
expenditure shall be identified by code numbers indicating (1) who is responsible for the expenditure, which is identified by a responsibility area number and d2) the nature of the expenditure, which is identified by a function humber or an A.F.E. number.
Responsibility Area Numbers
All costs reported on such documents as time reports, material re-ports,
requisitions and expense
reports must be charged to the responsibility area which incurred or is responsible for the transactions or work performed.
In general, this
will mean that all personnel reporting to a particular responsibility area head shall charge all payroll, material and expenses to the number designating that particular responsibility area.
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