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1929 First Methodist Episcopal Church Liberal KS Mother's Day Program AB8

1929 First Methodist Episcopal Church Liberal KS Mother's Day Program AB8

Regular price $27.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $27.00 USD
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See pics for condition.

1929 First Methodist Episcopal Church Liberal KS Mother's Day Program AB8

"The Church Which Grips Heart and Hand
"Today thy gate is open, and all who enter in shall find a Father's welcome, and pardon for their sin, The past shall be forgotten, a present joy be given,
À future grace be promised, a glorious crown in heaven."
GUY B. SPEAR, Pastor
Residence phone 104
Office phone 419
Ernest Lynn Waldorf, D. D., Bishop.
Merril C. Brooks, District Superintendent.
Kansas City, Missouri ..Liberal, Kansas
Amy Leas, 418 North Pershing, phone 2269.....
Pastor's Assistant
Mrs. C. E. Ames, 526 North Lincoln, phone 94
Flossie Sullens, 224 North Grant, phone 228
.Choir Director
Mary Heaney, 224 North Grant, phone 228.
..Orchestra Director
H. C. Franklin, 820 North Sherman, phone 4556
T. B. Moore, 604 North Pershing, phone 286
J. N. Evans, 223 North Sherman, phone 78..
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