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1914 Mar WWI Era US Naval Academy Midshipman JGM Stone Report Card WF Fullam AC9

1914 Mar WWI Era US Naval Academy Midshipman JGM Stone Report Card WF Fullam AC9

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1914 Mar WWI Era US Naval Academy Midshipman JGM Stone Report Card WF Fullam AC9

Reports to parents and guardians are made during the Aoademic
year only, from October 1st to May 81st.
The scale of marks for recitations and exercises ranges from 4 to 0.
that mark are deficient in that branch.
Section 1519. Revised Statutes
provides that midshipmen found
deficient at any examination shall not be continued at the Academy or
in the service unless upon the recommendation of the Academic Board.
Whenever a midshipman of the first class shall have 150 demerits in
27 the zoomi Tast 306, he sece be leg ated 26 the daird begattment
as deficient in conduct.
Charges for express packages and telegrams to midshipmen must be
The parents, guardians, and friends of the midshipmen are requested
studies and is forbidden by the Regulations.
The Regulations of the Academy provide that "During the Academic
year leave of absence shall not be granted by the Superintendent to
any midshipmen except in cases of urgent necessity."
The Regulations of the Naval Academy provide that "No midship-
man shall apply for or receive money, or any other supplies from his
parents, or
without permission of the
Thanksgiving and Christmas, not containing contraband articles;
and the Regulations further provide that for a violation of the above
Lent Sienuewenty-fxia demerits shall be assigned.
of parents and
guardians in training these
young gentlemen in reasonable economical habits.
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