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1904 Dec - The Foreign Mission Journal Southern Baptist Convention Richmond TH8

1904 Dec - The Foreign Mission Journal Southern Baptist Convention Richmond TH8

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1904 Dec - The Foreign Mission Journal Southern Baptist Convention Richmond TH8

Published Monthly By The
Foreign Mission Board.
Southern Baptist Convention
Richmond, Va

The special notice and honor which our Lord bestowed upon the poor widow who gave her two mites all her living and upon the woman with the rich box of ointment who worshipped at His feet, have been sources of strength and inspiration to consecrated womanhood ever since.
Surely our Lord appreciates the efforts of those who truly try to honor and serve Him.
The women of our Convention have for years made at
Christmas-time the closing of the old and beginning of the new year-an offering for the advancement of our Lord's kingdom.
How very ap-
propriate at this time to so honor Him.
In olden times angels left
heaven to worship Him, and the wise brought valuable gifts to lay at His feet.
It is well, then, that in memory of His coming to earth, we
also should bring gifts to Him
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